A warm welcome to the training process where we will jointly develop a framework for the Participatory Research partnership in RDI (research, development and innovation) activities.
Anyone interested in Participatory Research Partnership in the context of RDI activities can apply to the developmental training process: students, teachers, researchers, developers, experts by experience, professionals from different fields and sectors, entrepreneurs…
The training process will be carried out remotely between November 2022 and February 2023. Before the start, you will get the more detailed program of the training sessions.
In the training process, we will introduce the Participatory Research Partnership framework (Sipari et al. 2022) that is based on international and national research evidence. It will be applied in different operating environments and networks in RDI activities. After completing the training, the participants can put the Participatory Research Partnership into practice.
The developmental training process includes four remote teaching sessions:
- 25th November 2022 8–11 CET (9–12 time in Finland)
- 2nd December 2022 8–11 CET (9–12 time in Finland)
- 13th January 2023 8–11 CET (9–12 time in Finland)
- 3rd February 2023 8–14 CET (9–15 time in Finland)
Deadline for the applications is 30th of September. Participating is free of charge.
The Participatory Research Partnership
Participatory Research Partnership refers to the partnership-based participation of researchers, experts by experience, professionals, students, teachers and other stakeholders in collaborative activities at different phases of RDI process. Enabling active participation of stakeholders in RDI promotes usability and meaningfulness of research-based knowledge in everyday life.
Expertise and engagement of all stakeholders is needed to enable systemic development through Participatory Research Partnership. The accessibility and usability of RDI results are of crucial importance when verifying the suitability of research-based knowledge from the user’s perspective. (Sipari et al. 2022.)
Developmental training process
Warmly welcome to the developmental training process, where we learn together and utilize our own expertise of different fields. Our competence goals in the developmental training process are:
- to produce common understanding on Participatory Research Partnership in RDI
- to build a comprehensive and systemic-oriented framework for Participatory Research Partnership in RDI
- to apply and evaluate good practices
- to utilize developmental assessment of the process to co-produce new knowledge.
The starting point for the training is the Participatory Research Partnership framework and its anchoring in the participants’ operating environment through development tasks.
The training process will be carried out remotely between November 2022 and February 2023. Before the start, you will get the more detailed program of the training sessions. About 30 participants will be selected for the training, participating is free of charge.
The developmental training process includes four remote sessions:
- 25th November 2022 8–11 CET (9–12 time in Finland)
(Familiarization with the Participatory Research Partnership framework and the developmental training process) - 2nd December 2022 8–11 CET (9–12 time in Finland)
(Starting the partnership and building the team) - 13th January 2023 8–11 CET (9–12 time in Finland)
(Reciprocal co-planning, co-production of new research data and utilization of research data in everyday life) - 3rd February 2023 8–14 CET (9–15 time in Finland)
(Presentations on the practical applications of the framework)
The implementation of the developmental training process and themes of each training session are illustrated in Picture 1.

You will have the opportunity to do developmental tasks between training sessions. The tasks are designed as a unified process, but you can also select only some parts if you wish. The implementation of development tasks is planned together in connection with the training sessions. Tasks are linked to the participants’ own area of interest and the need for development in the work community, organization or other areas.
You will have the opportunity to complete 1 to 5 ECTS study credits in the training process, and you will be given a certificate of participation. In order to complete a credit, the participant participates in the training session and performs a related development task. Each development task is approximately 20–25 working hours. Participation in all training sessions, without performing related development tasks, corresponds to one credit.
How to apply
Apply for the training through the online application form (Google Forms):
Please submit your application on 30th of September at the latest. You will be informed about the participant selection on 14th of October.
About the Hytke project
The developmental training process is part of the Metropolia’s Hytke project. The purpose of the Hytke project is to build Participatory RDI Partnership for Metropolia and it’s networks. The goal is sustainable well-being in people’s daily lives by utilizing technology. The project will be implemented in 2021–2023 with profiling funding from the Finish Ministry of Education and Culture for Metropolia’s RDI activities.
Changes to this plan are possible. We are happy to give more information about Participatory Research Partnership and about the developmental training process!
Contact information (links lead to Metropolia’s People Finder service):
Sipari et al. 2022. Participatory Research Partnership in Rehabilitation. Oiva-series 55. Metropolia University of Applied Sciences. https://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-952-328-342-8