Hytke-artikkeli Sustainable wellbeing through inclusiveness in the construction industry

Hytke-hankkeen asiantuntija Sunil Suwal ja Metropolian YAMK-opiskelijat Manika Bajracharya, Sharmaa Devi Muthusami ja Vipul Agrawal ovat kirjoittaneet yhdessä blogi-artikkelin Sustainable wellbeing through inclusiveness in the construction industry.

Artikkelissa pohditaan osallistuvan TKI-kumppanuuden toteutumista ja mahdollisuuksia rakennusteollisuudessa.

Technological developments have reshaped how construction projects are handled. New tools and processes have influenced how we design, construct and operate facilities and infrastructures. Data-driven construction approaches and digitalization in construction projects are popular today. They provide the possibilities of wider collaboration not only among the project stakeholders but also as a tool for direct participation for the end users of the facility.

Lue artikkeli Sustainable wellbeing through inclusiveness in the construction industry Metropolia Ammattikoulun Tikissä-TKI-blogista.